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Basque children evacuated to Colne Lancashire

I was advised to contact you by Bob Dobson. I am particularly interested in how Basque children evacuated from Bilbao in 1937 came to be taken care of by families in Colne, Lancashire. I believe for example that twins Alicia and Araceli Morales spent time with Mrs Calvert of Keighley Avenue in the town. In 1948 they went to Mexico to join their parents. Luis Sanchez, on the other hand, stayed all his life in Colne. He lived at first with Malachi and Linda Mc Dermott. In all I know of five Basque children who lived in Colne. I am sure there must be other children in other Lancashire and Cheshire towns. I believe there was a Lancashire and Cheshire Spanish Aid Committee and I wonder if this committee was responsible for finding homes for these children. Or was the route via socialist or Cooperative groups who sponsored these children? I also know of children living in the Bradford/Keighley area. I have written a short article for the Basque Children Association website - but I have as many questions as answers! If anyone has any information, I would love to hear about it! Thank you in advance.

Regards Susan Brown


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